Rules and Guidelines

Bonny Island Marathon


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1.1. Registration for the Event will close on the 18th November, 2022.
1.2. The minimum age to participate is 18 years old.
1.3. Running a marathon requires a high level of physical fitness. To enroll in the Bonny Island Marathon, the runner accepts and understands that he/she must have the physical fitness suitable for a test of this kind, by the day of the race.
1.4. The participant takes part in the event voluntarily, assuming all the responsibility for his/her activities, actions, belongings, health, and physical and psychological integrity. He or she explicitly renounces all responsibility, and thus waives the ability to make any claim against the organizers, sponsors, volunteers, and/or representatives thereof, with regard to any damages, including, but not limited to, the following: physical pain, morals, thefts, misplacements/lost items, or any other incident he or she could suffer personally or have occurred to a third-party member, his/her friends, or belongings before, during, or after the event.
1.5. The number and corresponding timing chip are registered only in the name of the registrant, and cannot be exchanged once they are collected at kit pick-up.
1.6. The Organizers reserve the right to disqualify any runner that does not use his/her number tag during the race.
1.7. Only the runners who complete the race will receive a Finisher Medal for having reached the finish line and completing the Bonny island Marathon.

Permitted and Non-Permitted Equipment

2.1. The use of rollerblades and other forms of wheeled progression is not permitted.
2.2. Each runner must run unassisted. Any and all forms of towing are not permitted. Any form of external assistance or following a runner / the route in bicycle is not permitted either.

Timing of the Race

3.1 General race time will begin at the moment of the official start. Individual race time will begin when each competitor crosses the start line and will end when he/she crosses the finish line.

3.2. All runners must have their official number securely attached to the front of their clothing and visible at all times during the race.

Day of the Event

4.1. It is a runner’s individual responsibility to be at the defined starting points an hour before the start of each distance, whether it be using his or her own personal means of transportation, private transportation, or the event’s official buses.

4.2. The Event Organizers reserve the right to suspend or cancel the race, change the date or race schedule, or modify the route and aid stations in cases of force majeure, including, but not limited to, the following: fire, war, acts of terrorism, exceptional climatic conditions, natural disasters, accidents, or for security reasons or justified orders from a competent authority.

Sporting Behaviour

5.1. All runners must follow the instructions given to them by the Event Organizers or their representatives on the course at all times. Refusal to follow any such instruction may result in penalty or even disqualification.

5.2. All runners should conduct themselves in a sporting manner, showing respect to other runners and the Event Organizers. Failure to do so may result in penalty or even disqualification.

5.3. In cases of accidents or any other type of emergency, Runners must offer assistance to any Runner or member from the Event Organization, if necessary.

Route Control

6.1. The start and finish will be signified with a line on the ground and start and finish banners.

6.2. Spectators may not join the course in order to run or cycle, or use any form of motorized transport alongside race participants. Runners found to be accompanied in this way could be penalized or disqualified.

6.3. The last runner on the course will be followed by a mobile control.

Security on the Route

7.1 There will be both stationary and mobile medical teams along the race route. If any member of those teams determines that a runner must not continue, the competitor must obey his/her command and/or instruction.

7.2. Runners may request assistance for minor problems from medical teams found along the route, and then either continue or not, as determined by the assisting medical personnel.

7.3. If a runner is not able to complete the race, he/she must inform any member of the Organization and wait at the nearest aid station, from where he/she will be transferred to the finish line, once the last runner has passed.

7.4. The Organizers are not responsible for any cost associated with injuries that may occur during the preparation, the transfer to or from the place of the event, or participation in the race. This includes, but is not limited to, medical costs, transport to and from a hospital, services of qualified medical assistance, or any drug product as necessary.

Doping Control

8.1. The Race Organizers reserve the right to implement doping control.

Any runner found to be in violation of the current WADA list (World Anti-Doping Authority), will be disqualified and reported to their national athletic federation and will be ineligible to participate in any marathon organized event in the future.

Release of Images, Photos, Voice, and Video

9.1. The Participant authorizes both the event organizers and its sponsors the right to utilize any and all mediums from the event, in addition to allowing the following: the right to take their photographs; to use their accompanying images; to film them throughout the event; to record their voice, conversations, and/or testimonials. In addition to the above, the Participant agrees, free from profitable gain, to allow these rights, both unrestricted and without expiration, to be used by the event organization, sponsors, and media.

General Conditions

10.1. The Organizers will be cautious at all times with runners personal property, but ultimately, are not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to any personal items belonging to competitors or their supporters. Changes and Updates to the General Rules

11.1. The Organizers of the event reserve the right to make changes or additions to the General Regulations at any time prior to the start of the race.

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